Category: Objects

Chapter 4 – Object String | Webdriver

Object String Object String is a string that is used to identify an automation object based on its attributes and hierarchy. In a Webdriver, we have following locators to identify an object: XPath Id Name TagName ClassName CssSelector LinkText PartialLinkText The object string for webdriver has the following format: <Locator>::valueThe object string for the search

Chapter 3 – Object String | UIA

Object String Object String is a string which is used to identify an automation object based on its attributes and hierarchy in a particular application. Any tool can be used for object identification, ‘Microsoft Inspect’ is the recommended tool. (You can download it for free from Microsoft’s website. It also comes bundled with windows SDK)

Chapter 2 – Reserved Objects

Reserved Objects To facilitate quicker automation a few objects have been reserved as below: uia : This object is used to interact with all the applications supported by UI Automation. wd:  This is the reserved object for webdriver. native: This object can invoke all the native methods. util:  This object is used to invoke various